Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Holy Fast Forward!

Well it has been almost a year since I last updated my blog!
Lots has changed!! I mean ALOT!
Where to start... well late May Greg returned home; Thank goodness that is over and behind us.
We spend alot of time relaxing and camping, and visiting.
We spend an amazing weekend at a friends cottage while he was in the province from B.C; so that was fabulous!
Greg returned to work at Canadian Pacific Railway... it has been stressful on him but he is fighting through the difficulties.
On August 28th we discovered we were expecting our first child! It was been a whirled wind of interesting times and experiences. We are both over joyed to say the least and now anxiously wait her arrival.. Yes HER... it is a girl. No surprise since Greg's side the gender of child domainance flips. Greg is one of 3 boys; and our little girl will be 1 of 3 girls out of the 5 children coming from the 3 boys.
In Early Nov. great friends of our welcomed there first child; Samual; my mother has claimed him as her future grandson in law; it is quite the assumption since little girl isnt even here yet!

What was next... a new school year with new staff at work; it has / was wonderful and enjoyable.
That brings us up in short to 2010! My brother welcomed his first little one; Addison born Mar. 2010. So my parent are elated to be getting two grandbabies in about two months of each other.
Our little girl ( no name choosen as of yet) is due May 2010. She has been a stubborn one like her father and mother and has been sitting breech for 90% of my pregnancy if not transverse;
We are down to the wire to see what the call will be on her arrival.
I finished up work about a week ago now due to back issues; but that has not stopped me from working Greg like a work horse to complete the nursery and such.
I am very excited for her arrival and have so much to still do.. or atleast it feels like that.
I hope to be able to keep this blog up to date better... it isnt like I truly have an excuse for the next year or so... right?
Well I am sure I could write for hours about every last detail... but that might get boring... so for now.. here is the fast forwarded version!

1 comment:

Ally D said...

Love the catchup-hope you do keep going with pics and updates.
we miss you a lot!